by Olayer | Apr 2, 2021 | injection molding
Injection molding is a process by which we take small pellets of plastic, then melt it to the point that will inject under moderate pressure. The mold is made of two separate halves that will open after the plastic has cooled for the product to be removed.Injection... by Olayer | May 1, 2019 | injection mold, Injection Mold Transfer, injection molding, Injection Molding Process, Mold Blog
Its big news when you decide to transfer your injection molds to another vendor for production. There are several reasons why a company may want to transfer injection molds from one location to another. Your new injection molder should provide a seamless plan for... by Olayer | Apr 10, 2019 | custom injection molding, Injection Molding Process, Mold Blog, plastic injection mold, plastic mold, Plastic mold china, plastic molds
Injection molding process basically is quite simple. The main principle of this type of industrial method is forcing the raw material to be molded in the molding machine. This method is really simple compared with other industrial techniques. Therefore, a lot of...